Medium: H5, PCB, solenoid, ESP8266, laser-cut acrylic
Inspired by the sounds created by drumming on surfaces with your fingers, Sound Swarm was conceived as an exploration of the interplay between the digital and the analogue. Pushing the boundaries of what constitutes an instrument, this mechanical drum machine uses a solenoid to strike the surface it is attached to, turning ordinary objects into unique percussion instruments.

The project began as a prototype during my residency at Smiede in Hallein, Austria, and later evolved into a hands-on workshop experience at Sonar Festival Hong Kong. During the workshop, participants had the opportunity to build their own “Soundthing,” customising it to create their personalised percussion devices.

To control the Soundthing, users connect to the onboard ESP8266 microcontroller via WiFi. An embedded website provides an interface to adjust the beat pattern and beats per minute, offering a simple yet powerful way to explore and create rhythmic soundscapes.